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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Correctly Named "Spring Preview Day" Is On Saturday, 2/11

Yes, that's really our campus. No, it's not 'shopped. 
It's almost time for Spring Preview Day! Woot! 

That's a day in spring when you can preview our campus. Hence the name. 

Logical appellations aside, Spring Preview Day is truly "woot"-worthy because it represents one of your best (and last) formal opportunities to see all that Marymount has to offer. 

Oh yeah,
it's free and comes with two awesome meals—which is certainly reason enough for me (I like food). 

In addition to eating, you can:
  • Meet our faculty
  • Get the insider secrets to earning admission into Marymount, and complete your application during another aptly named event—the "application workshop" (see what I did there?)  
  • Interview with your admission counselor
  • Learn about our various degree programs
  • Get all of your burning Financial Aid questions (the FAQs of FA, as it were) answered and file your FAFSA with the support of one of our Financial Aid team members. 
  • Tour our awesome, townhouse-style residences
  • Tell me how awesome my blog is and watch me blush (like a ripe strawberry on a warm spring day. ...Nummers.)

Click here to RSVP!

Read on for the full schedule.