
Monday, August 19, 2013

Marymount California University Sustainability - We're into being green

This summer our campus underwent some massive changes. First, we ungraded from Marymount College to Marymount California University. Which was pretty epic. Then we built a brand new website. Also epic. We could have stopped there, but we're nothing if not achievers, so our new Office of Sustainability made some other pretty nifty upgrades. Check 'em out below!

Goats: We wrote a whole post about this neat little addition. They're gone now, but certainly not forgotten.

Bathroom Retrofits: 

OK, so on the surface it is hard to get super excited about bathrooms, but we've retrofitted our water closets to use much less, well...water. 37 sparkling new high-efficiency toilets and 2 HE urinals will save 0.3-2 gallons per flush. 

Exterior Lighting Retrofits
We also retrofitted most exterior light fixtures with high-efficiency, long-lasting LEDs. Brighter lights, less energy...everyone is happy. 

Hydration Stations
We are just wrapping up the installation of 11 ‘hydration stations’ across our LA campus sites—8 at the Oceanview campus, and one at Waterfront and each of our residential sites. These updated water fountains provide refrigerated, filtered water with a quick, easy bottle refill component. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and reduce our plastic footprint by using your own water bottle (hint, we'll be providing some at admission events. You're welcome).

Café Waste Reduction Programs
No more trays or Styrofoam, and we're going to discourage the use of one-off disposable containers. Pretty much everyone agrees that less trash is a good thing...except perhaps Reality-T.V. producers. But that's another mission for another day. 

GROW Project
We laid the groundwork for the GROW project, the new campus garden at the Oceanview campus (located in the NE corner of campus). We will be working throughout the fall to build out the infrastructure of the site and start planting. Produce harvested will go to Harbor Interfaith in San Pedro.

So...How do you do your part to work for a healthier environment? Post below or to our Facebook page for a chance to win an MCU water bottle!

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