
Sunday, July 24, 2011

There's More Panic About Housing Than When Fannie And Freddie Burst The Bubble

With our August 23rd and 24th move-in dates fast approaching, many of you are thinking about your upcoming stay in our Residential Communities, and that thinking has given rise to some pressing questions...

Your Residential Community Questions Answered!

You might think "dorm" when you read "Residential Communities"—but DON'T! Every time someone uses "dorm" in reference to the student housing at Marymount, a fairy dies.

Many of you have questions about this next step in your life. Many of those questions are taking on the hard edge of panic. I know, because I have been fielding them. I want you to know: I understand your worry. I was worried too. But I promise, it will all work out just fine. In fact, it's going to be fun.

So, take a deep breath, relax, and read on as I answer some of the most common questions we've been getting. 
  • Yes, you'll have a roommate.

  • Yes, we'll announce that.

  • Yes, that announcement is on its way. 

  • No, you may not bring a television, a gaming console, or any device that allows you to have fun. You must be locked in a dark, windowless room at all times while not attending class. Just kidding. Bring 'em all. Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii U, Kinect, Atari (for a retro feel), Nintendo 3DS, PSP...your gaming delight is our gaming delight, and the perfect gaming cave is just a [residential community] room away. You might wait for the above roommate announcement, though; if everyone brings a TV you may never have any couch room during Monday Night Football.

  • No, I am not Superman. I just resemble him. 

  • Yes, you do need to bring pots, pans, plates, towels, etc. You might, again, talk to your roomies (once you get the announcement, which, I repeat, is on it's way) first so you don't have clashing sets of silverware. How tacky... Find a list of everything else you need to bring HERE.

  • Your book list is based on your schedule. You schedule is based on early registration. If you aren't yet registered and don't have a schedule, you don't have a book list. Our last early registration (which, I suppose, is the least early it could possibly be) is FRIDAY, AUGUST 5TH!

  • You will be given the login to our brand new student portal during orientation.

  • Questions about our laptop policy can be answered through our IT department.

  • Work-study becomes available the second week of school.

  • Orientation is not optional. The community service day is (but I recommend attending. It rocks. Bonding ensues.).

  • Yes, you can bring a car as a Freshman.

  • No, you do not have to bring your own mattress.

  • Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to call up your admission counselor to express your gratitude and deep admiration.
So, in summary: yes, yes, yes, no [but really yes], TJ≠Superman, yes, August 5th, Portal (the cake is a lie), laptops and IT are like peanut butter and bananas, 2nd week, yes, no, I rock. 

Have other questions? Post 'em below, or try asking us on Tumblr. It's pretty nifty, and you'll get a really quick response.

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