
Monday, July 11, 2011

Dude, I Was At Testing Before It Was Cool...

Wayfarer Sunglasses, NBA Jam, Robert Downey Jr.—some things are so awesome that they simply must make a comeback. Take our testing and registration days: life a thief in the night they came and went. Those that caught the testing train were happy, secure, and ready to rock higher ed like a sampled techno beat. However, far too many were left untested, unregistered, and completely at the mercy of capricious "auto-scheduling."

That's no place to be.

So, we brought them back. Yes, like Dr. Dre we claimed to be through with the [registration] game only to by revived by your plaintive cries and return triumphantly with two more dates. You heard us right, you have two more opportunities to register early and secure the perfect schedule before everyone else in the school has a crack at those coveted prime-time classes.


RSVP by email or calling our office (but honestly, who talks on the phone these days), and we'll get you signed up.

For those who are yet to pay your commitment deposit—you still can, but you should hurry. We're filling up fast. If you aren't coming, you've probably stopped reading already, but if you haven't, please let us know ASAP. We'd, uh...really appreciate it.

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