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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Admitted Student Day (April 15th), and "A Day in the Life of a Marymount Student" - Straight From the Students Themselves

I was a Marymount Student once upon a time, but it's been...a while. When I attended, Facebook was not nearly as cool as Myspace, "Yeah" by Usher and Lil' John was the top song on the radio, nobody had ever heard of an iPhone, and Justin Bieber was in 4th grade (isn't he still?).

Yes, kiddies, I'm old. 

Aside from being a depressing reminder that I am officially a "grown up," my graduation to the real world means that I am not the most up-to-date reference for what it is actually like to be a student at Marymount. Though my job gives me a pretty good "official" idea, dig a little deeper and I'm likely to start talking about archaic things like Playstation 2® and cargo shorts. So, instead, I'm going to leave it to the experts: our current students. 

This Friday, April 15th, we're hosting our Admitted Student Day. Specific details will follow at the end of this post (tease!), but the idea is that our admitted students will be offered the opportunity to see what it is actually like to attend Marymount. You can meet your prospective classmates, get to know our staff and faculty, and talk candidly with current Marymount students about their experience here. 

Read on after the jump to get the inside scoop about Student Life!


In addition, one of our enterprising students has started a "Day in the Life at Marymount" blog. We honestly had nothing to do with its creation, so if you want to get the uncensored student life scoop straight from a junior's mouth, you should check it out. Heck, check it out anyway. You'll see pictures like this:

Apparently taken with a cell phone on a Sailing Trip to Catalina Island
A side note: for those of you eager to graduate and get into the workforce, I recommend comparing my "Day in the Life" post to hers. ...I miss college.
As for Admitted Student Day, it's open to any students (and their families) who have received an official letter of acceptance into Marymount. It's one of our best events, and we really recommend that any admitted student attends (but if you can't, or haven't received your decision yet, don't worry--there will be other events down the road). Here is the schedule:

Admitted Student Day 2011
  • 8:00am: Registration, Campus Tours, Breakfast
  • 8:45am: Welcome
  •  9:15-10:00am: Session 1
                * Students: Student Life for Students
                * Parents: A Week in the Life of a Marymount Student
  • 10:10-10:55am: Session 2
                * Students: A Week in the Life of a Marymount Student
                * Parents: Student Life for Parents
  • 11:05-11:50am: Session 3 (pick one)
               * Study Abroad
               * Residential Life
               * Faculty Panel
  • 12:00-1:15pm: Lunch and Raffle for Committed Students
  • 12:00-1:00pm: Major, Career, and Campus Involvement (Club) Fair
Again, we really recommend that you attend, particularly if you're still on the fence about which school you should choose. What better way to know if Marymount is the right choice? All of our offices will be open for business (and so will our residences), and if you're impressed, you can pay your commitment deposit on the spot to reserve a space in the fall class (and hopefully win a prize in the raffle!). 

You coming? Leave us a comment below! 


  1. Can't wait to see everyone there(:
    -Jacqueline De La Cruz
