
Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Preview Day Pt. III - The Return of the Ancient Mariner

The right side of Robert Pattinson's face does not endorse FPD.
He, uh, won't be there.
You know the number one thing that sets our generation apart from our parents?

We enjoy the previews at movies. 

[Ok, maybe it isn't the number one thing, but opening a blog post with, "You know one of a myriad things that sets us apart from our parents," just doesn't have the same hook.]

Think about it. We—the generation that was raised with a DVR, the generation who supposedly hates and innately mistrusts marketing—will intentionally sit through fifteen minutes of commercials before every movie we go to (I even play a preview game: each person in the group picks a number from one to five. The corresponding preview is a commentary on that person's life. Try it; it's hilarious). 

I remember my parents would always arrive late to movies in my youth, with the same excuse every time: "It's ok. At least we missed the previews." Not me. I want to see them. I get disappointed if I miss them. 

But why? 

Because I like to know what is coming (even if there hasn't been an original movie made since about 1872). I like to get a glimpse of what might be entertaining me in a few months. I like to build excitement and anticipation for a good movie. I also like to know what to avoid—particularly when a night at the movies costs about the same as some Korean-made cars. 

That—very, very loosely—is why we offer our bi-annual preview days. We want you to be able to see what life at Marymount might potentially be like. That way you know if it is something you'd look forward to—or something not worth the money. 

Of course you can't get a complete feel for a college from a short preview (or a movie for that matter. This coming from the guy who thought Paranormal Activity wouldn't be scary...right before screaming like a little girl for two hours straight), but we do our best to make sure it's as close of a representation as possible. And though, like the current slate of soon-to-be release movies, it isn't the first time we've done this—it is [movie guy voice] the one experience this fall you cannot miss. [/movie guy voice].

Not only is it really important because it gives you a feel for the college—it's also really fun. Here is a preview of preview day (see what I did there?):

  • Meet our faculty and staff
  • Mingle with current students and ask them candid questions about their Marymount experience. 
  • Get the insider secrets to earning admission into Marymount, and complete your application during another aptly named event—the "application workshop" (see what I did there?)  
  • Interview with your admission counselor
  • Learn about our various degree programs
  • Interact with our athletics department and learn about playing on one of our teams
  • Get all of your burning Financial Aid questions (the FAQs of FA, as it were) answered and file your FAFSA with the support of one of our Financial Aid team members. 
  • Tour our awesome, townhouse-style residences
  • Potentially walk away with some awesome MCPV gear
  • Have an AWESOME lunch while enjoying one of the best ocean views on the planet.

  • It's on Saturday, November 10th, and is open to any interested student and his/her family. We'd be delighted if you'd attend. 

    Just click here to email us an RSVP, and make sure to leave us a note in the comments below! 

    1 comment:

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